Sponsorships and Advertising

This historic return of PGA TOUR competition to Utah in the stunning setting of Black Desert offers an exceptional hosting and branding opportunity for your business. Our wide range of advertising and sponsorship opportunities span various mediums, offering a variety of powerful ways to achieve your business objectives. Here are just a few examples of the types of opportunities we offer:
- On-Course Branding: Reach the highly sought out demographic of PGA TOUR attendees and make an impact with thousands of impressions for your brand. Target your audience through presenting sponsorships, maximize exposure via quiet or hole signs, or work with a Tournament representative to customize the perfect branding opportunity for your business.
- Tournament Guide Advertising: The guide is distributed free of charge to all Black Desert Championship patrons and placed in all VIP hospitality areas. Your full page, full color ad will be visible to every attendee throughout Tournament week. It is the only printed resource for information on course maps, schedule of events, popular attractions, concessions and more, so the advertisers receive repeated exposure to the Championship’s high-end demographic group.
- Fan Village: The Tournament’s expo area is the perfect place for your business to actively engage with the Championship’s guests. Whether you plan to distribute information, offer an “enter to win” opportunity to generate leads, or demo a new line of product, expo booths are an impactful way to increase visibility and build relationships with our Black Desert Championship patrons.
We look forward to exploring a partnership relationship with you and your business and welcome the opportunity to create a custom solution. To learn more and contact a representative inquire below.